GÉANT Infoshare - Data Transfer Nodes: How Fast can your Data Travel?

(Timezone - Europe/Amsterdam)
Online (Online)


Ivana Golub, Ivana Golub, Maria Isabel Gandia Carriedo, Tim Chown

Some research projects need to move huge amounts of data. Using a desktop computer and the regular network to do it may not be the right option to get the best performance. Setting up a DTN node is not always straightforward: there are different types of software, some parameters need to be tuned in the servers, distances reduce the performance in TCP...

The GN4-3 project, in its WP6 T2, has performed several tests using the GÉANT Testbed Service (GTS). The results are published in a matrix and the documentation and the scripts to set up nodes in a dockerised environment are available in the DTN wiki (https://wiki.geant.org/display/DTN).

This Infoshare will summarise the work around DTN done in the project, presenting the results, the matrix and the documentation. 

This Infoshare was held on December 9th, 2020 and was recorded. You can find the recording in the GÉANT channel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-DSq_LCw36k

Data Transfer Nodes: How Fast can your Data Travel?
  • Adam Kaczmarek
  • Antoine Delvaux
  • Craig Volp
  • Damian Parniewicz
  • Damir Regvart
  • Einar Lillebrygfjeld
  • George Robb
  • Hamzeh Khalili
  • Hans Addleman
  • Håvard Eidnes
  • iacovos ioannou
  • Ivan Garnizov
  • Ivana Golub
  • Jason Zurawski
  • Jasone Astorga
  • Johann Hugo
  • Jure Knez
  • Ken Miller
  • Kostas Stamos
  • Marcin Garstka
  • Maria Isabel Gandia Carriedo
  • Marija Emso
  • Marina De Giorgi
  • Martin Bech
  • Mian Usman
  • Miha Jemec
  • Oriol Morell
  • Pavle Vuletic
  • Paweł Malak
  • Piotr Rydlichowski
  • Richard Cziva
  • Robert Stoy
  • Roberto Sabatino
  • Roman Łapacz
  • Ronald van der Pol
  • Rudolf Vohnout
  • Sakhamuzi Hadebe
  • Silvia Salgado
  • Simone Spinelli
  • Stephane Racine
  • Steve Maddocks
  • Susanne Naegele-Jackson
  • Tim Chown
  • Toby Rodwell
  • Valeriu Vraciu
  • Vincenzo Capone
  • Yevhenii Preobrazhenskyi
    • 1:00 PM 1:10 PM
      Introduction to the DTN work in GÉANT 10m

      Introduction to the DTN work in GÉANT under WP6: from the survey among the NRENs and the DTN wiki to the GTS testbed, the OAV work and the virtualised nodes

      Speakers: Maria Isabel Gandia Carriedo, Tim Chown
    • 1:10 PM 1:30 PM
      Tuning Parameters for DTN 20m

      How to tune parameters in Data Transfer Nodes to optimise the configuration and achieve the best results when transferring large scale science data.

      Speaker: Mr Joseph Hill (UVA - SURFNET)
    • 1:30 PM 1:50 PM
      Dockerised DTN 20m

      DTN have been created in Docker for several operating systems, so that organisations willing to do their own performance tests can easily install nodes. In this presentation, we will see how to set up DTN tests in a virtualised environment using containers with Docker and the tests run on them.

      Speaker: Mr Iacovos Ioannou (CYNET)
    • 1:50 PM 2:10 PM
      DTN tests using the Géant Testbed Service (GTS) 20m

      Presentation about the experiments run on the GÉANT Testbed Service (GTS) for DTNs using several software tools for large scale data transfers.

      Speaker: Mr Damir Regvart (CARNET)
    • 2:10 PM 2:30 PM
      Wrap-up and open discussion 20m
      Speakers: Maria Isabel Gandia Carriedo, Tim Chown