eHealth Task Force BoF @ TNC21

(Timezone - Europe/Amsterdam)



eHealth is an area of growing interest for our community, given its increasingly central role in enhancing the quality of medical care.

New user-centric services are being designed and provided, to ensure every citizen's right to health, for prevention, diagnosis and treatment of diseases. 

In the implementation of future eHealth, patients will be more an more in control of what information about their medical records will be made accessible,  getting back in turn highly personalised medical services suited and tuned to respond to their specific health needs, with higher impact and effectiveness with respect to the general, common medical practice based diagnostics and therapy. 

Genomics analysis, DNA sequencing,  digital twins, AI, ML and robotics will change the landscape for the way eHealth will be provided to patients, and will provide new instruments for doctors and specialists to work.

Do we, the community of NRENs  - and our connected health institutions - have a role to play in all this ?

We believe yes: join this BoF to discuss what should the  GÉANT Community eHealth Task Force be focusing upon.

We count on your participation and contribution: we will present the work done so far by the Task Force, its Steering Committee, and welcome discussions on the proposed work plan, gathering input from our community and calling for volunteers to participate. 

We will use Zoom on

Organizers: Mario Reale, GÉANT, Marina de Giorgi, GÉANT and Leonie Schäfer, DFN

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