During the first GÉANT Quantum Technologies Infoshare on 20th January the principles that govern the quantum world were presented; the resources can be found at https://events.geant.org/event/353/ and a recording can be seen on the GEANTtv YouTube channel: https://youtu.be/eZN41xyfUr4. A white paper "Quantum Technologies Status Overview for the GÉANT NREN community" has also been made available here, https://www.geant.org/Resources/#white.
This second Infoshare will focus on the first use case of quantum communication: Quantum Cryptography and Quantum Key Distribution. In this first use case, the NREN community can play an important role by demonstrating how Quantum Key Distribution can be implemented in a production network context and a wide range of use cases. Our users (universities, science laboratories, ...) are already investigating these topics and there is an excellent opportunity for the NRENs to provide their support for these activities.
The GN4-3 Network Technologies and Services Development Evolution work package (WP6) is currently investigating the emerging QKD technology and its potential applicability to the GÉANT and NREN community. The theoretical aspects of QKD (both CV-QKD and DV-QKD) will be presented as well as their practical implementation.
It is a challenge to cover all aspects of Quantum technologies, so this event will be followed by other infoshares and workshops dedicated to vendor-specific solutions and the NRENs’ status regarding Quantum technology. If you have quantum topics to suggest or work to present, please contact qkd-discuss@lists.geant.org
QKD Infoshare Video is available on Youtube
Xavier Jeannin, Piotr Rydlichowski