As the availability of DDI metadata at the variable level is quite low, three German research data centers (DIW Berlin/SOEP, LIfBi, DZHW) collaborated in a KonsortSWD-financed project to make progress in this area.
All partners have a metadata system in place that is based on partly multilingual structured metadata at the variable level, including, for example, variable labels, categories,...
As the DDI community continues to grow and its user base expands, the demand for sharing and accessing metadata in this format is steadily increasing. This presentation shares our experiences in collecting DDI codebook metadata records using the OAI-PMH protocol from diverse repositories. We will demonstrate the tools and processes employed to access and extract DDI metadata elements and the...
DDI Lifecycle and DDI-CDI provide significant capabilities for the integration and harmonisation of content across datasets. As part of the recently completed WorldFAIR project lead by CODATA, a team from the Australian Data Archive (ADA) and Sikt lead a work package to examine ways for improvement of FAIR practices in the management of harmonised content in cross-national social...