Dec 2 – 6, 2024
University of Applied Sciences of the Grisons (Pulvermühlestrasse 57)
Europe/Zurich timezone
Conference Hashtag: #EDDI2024

Contribution List

60 / 60
12/3/24, 8:00 AM
Júlia Egyed-Gergely (Hungarian Research Network Centre for Social Sciences, Research Documentation Centre (KDK)), Judit Gárdos (Hungarian Research Network Centre for Social Sciences, Research Documentation Centre (KDK)), Enikő Meiszterics (Hungarian Research Network Centre for Social Sciences, Research Documentation Centre (KDK))
12/3/24, 1:55 PM

This paper is on the development of the KDK Thesaurus, a CV partly based on ELSST, used for the topical discovery of interview materials. The presentation discusses the workload for such a project, its sustainability and future perspectives of similar projects, incl. ONTOLISST and touch on the issue of economical and ethical considerations of metadata curation on smaller levels of datasets...

Darren Bell (UK Data Service), Hilde Orten (Sikt - Norwegian Agency for Shared Services in Education and Research), Jared Lyle (ICPSR, University of Michigan), Jon Johnson (CLOSER, UCL), Steven McEachern (UK Data Service, University of Essex)
12/4/24, 12:45 PM
Birds of a Feather (Complete Session)

Earlier this year, the DDI Alliance Executive Board and Scientific Board launched a new DDI Strategic Plan, 2024-2027 and the complementary new DDI Scientific Work Plan, 2024-2026. These plans reflect the collective vision and contributions of our community and are poised to drive meaningful change.

This Birds of a Feather session led by leaders of the Executive and Scientific Boards...