14th SIG-NGN Meeting - INFN Catania IT (Hybrid meeting)

(Timezone - Europe/Rome)

SIG-NGN will be holding its 14th meeting as a in person workshop on Monday, 8-9 April 2024.  The meeting will be hosted jointly with the LHCONE meeting in Catania, Sicilly (https://indico.cern.ch/event/1349135/).

Mark your calendar for the 14th SIG-NGN meeting - Catania, 8-9 April 2024

Following a fruitful co-location of meetings in Prague in April 2023, SIG-NGN and the LHC networking group will once again co-locate face-to-face meetings this coming spring. This time we are adding networking for the Square Kilometre Array to the mix.

The 14th SIG-NGN will take place on 8-9 April 2024 at INFN in Catania, Sicily, Italy. The agenda will be finished over the coming weeks, and will focus on technologies for sharing of existing physical networks (overlays, underlays, spectrum sharing) and how they enable mission-specific network services, as well as on network architecture for intercontinental connectivity, including policies and technologies for links sharing as well as the evolution of  intercontinental R&E connectivity.

As the meeting is co-located with LHC and SKA, the SIG-NGN meeting topics will be framed for enabling networking for large, global science communities.

SIG-NGN will be held over two half days - afternoon of April 8 and morning of April 9 - followed by two days on networking for SKA and LHC. Mark your calendar now; we hope to see you in Catania for 4 exciting days on research networking.

link to Geant SIG-NGN wiki: https://wiki.geant.org/display/SIGNGN/14th+SIG-NGN+Meeting


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