9–11 Apr 2024
Grandior Hotel
Europe/Prague timezone

Security Days Organisational Committee

Delivering cyber security training and education campaigns to the education and research sector

10 Apr 2024, 11:30



Mark Tysom


Phishing and other forms of social engineering regularly top the list of information security threats that organisations are most concerned about. These attacks target people, not technology.

People are the largest, most accessible attack surface for criminals. But blaming end users as

the 'weakest link' or single point of failure in organisational security doesn’t achieve anything. People are our best asset and first line of defence.

With millions of connected organisations and end users, NREN communities have an important role to play in delivering cyber security training and education, a key component of a positive cyber security culture.

This presentation will explore how Jisc and its members have approached this challenge, the lessons we have learnt and continue to learn, our successes and failures and our ongoing strategy to deliver the right solutions, empower communities and be a force for good.

Presentation materials