3:35 PM
Exploring machine learning for DDoS mitigation
Jakub Man
3:40 PM
Why cybercrime is an evolution rather than a revolution
Nicole van der Meulen
3:45 PM
SOCCER project: Supporting establishment of university SOCs and collaboration in academic sector
Václav Bartoš
3:50 PM
Crisis communication in the event of a cyber attack: why “no comment” is not an option
Davina Luyten
3:55 PM
CLAWHAMMER – One Tool To Rule Them All
Renato Furter
4:00 PM
Granny Smith, an unusual cyber criminal
Rosanna Norman
4:05 PM
Crossing the Baseline - Elevating Security Maturity through the Security Bootcamps
Ana Alves
4:10 PM
Carlos Friaças
4:15 PM
Why you can't trust your e-mail client
Jeroen Wijenbergh
4:20 PM
Community for Integrating and Opening Cyber Range Infrastructures
Panayiota Smyrli
4:25 PM
Next Generation Security Operation Centres
Stephanos Andreou
4:30 PM
Responding to a cyberattack
Birgit Ploetzeneder
(ELI Beamlines)
4:35 PM
Fighting NeMo
Ryan Richford
4:40 PM
Let Me Hack You
Sigita Jurkynaite