FileSender meeting at TNC23

(Timezone - Europe/Tirane)
room Paris, Rogner Hotel (Tirana, Albania)

room Paris, Rogner Hotel

Tirana, Albania

The FileSender Board invites all interested persons to the annual NREN FileSender meeting at TNC23.

Join us and register to participate!

The FileSender meeting is the opportunity to

  • learn about the current status, recent releases and plans for the software,
  • exchange experiences,
  • discuss priorities and the future roadmap,
  • and get to know the rest of the FileSender community.

And we hope there will be lots of feedback.

If you have any topics you’d like to discuss, please send them directly to the FileSender Board.

  • Astrit Desku
  • Nils Vogels
  • +11
The agenda of this meeting is empty