CLAW 2021

(Timezone - Europe/Amsterdam)


Charlie van Genuchten (SURF)

What Is Crisis Management? How does it work? How can we plan and be prepared when crisis hits? What are the best practices to respond effectively to a threat? Who should be involved?

These (and many more) are some of the questions we would like to see answered during the 5th edition of CLAW – Crisis Management Workshop for the GÉANT Community - happening online, on 7 December, 2021.

Community representatives from Communications, NOC, CSIRT and Information Security Management are welcome to join CLAW, so we can all work together around these issues, during training sessions and while safely experiencing a simulation exercise of a crisis situation.


  • To increase crisis management awareness.
  • To enhance crisis management skills.
  • To enable sharing best practices and horror stories.
  • To provide exercises, tools and training material.

WHAT will participants gain from CLAW?

  • Training on stress management, crisis communication or how to triage and prioritise during a crisis.
  • Knowledge on being prepared for a network or cyber crisis.
  • More know-how on crisis communication skills and management techniques.
  • A crisis exercise to test and enhance their teamwork  skills under pressure.
    • ​​Welcome and Keynote

      Keynote: Drought in a country below sea level
      Speaker: Hans de Vries

      Hans de Vries is chairman of the Dutch national crisis advisory team, that acts in times of serious drought and freshwater shortages. In the summer of 2018 he and his team worked 24/7 for about three months, in order to help mitigate the effects of the drought. In his key-note speech he will share his experiences of that summer.

      De Vries (1958) originally studied chemical engineering. Starting from the field of water quality and environment, he became an expert in all aspects of watermanagement, including ICT and data for watermanagement. He now works for Rijkswaterstaat, the national waterboard that is part of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Watermanagement.

      In 2018 The Netherlands, like many other European countries, faced a serious drought crisis. Temperatures were high, hardly any rain fell, water level of the river Rhine was extremely low for five months, and many social sectors experienced problems. From a central office in Lelystad, a national advisory team monitored the situation, built scenario’s and advised regional and national decision makers.

      De Vries’ key-note will focus on various aspects that are not directly related to the drought issue itself, but nevertheless extremely important. Things like information overload, time pressure, internal and external communication, teambuilding (or -problems), fatique, tunnel vision, et cetera.

    • 10:30
      Mini Break
    • Training Sessions
      • 1
        Prioritising during crisis (Technical Training)

        Workshop overview
        - Small introduction with analyzing of PCAP’s of DDoS & Ransomware
        - Incident/crisis handling
        - Prioritizing
        - Scoping
        - Crisis communication

        About the Trainer:
        Earth Grob is a security expert that is specialized in the field of offensive cyber security. The meter is currently stuck around 200 security assessments within the past three years. He studied Computer Science at the University of Technology in Delft and is currently completing his BSc Psychology at the University of Leiden.

      • 2
        “Failing to prepare is preparing to fail”

        In crisis communication preparation is everything. But how do you do it? Why? What are the latest developments and lessons we can all benefit from? Join Lodewijk van Wendel de Joode in a practical workshop on crisis communication: learn it today, use it tomorrow.

        About the Trainer:
        Lodewijk van Wendel de Joode has been working in speech writing and crisis communication for over fifteen years. Nowadays for the Netherlands Police, he used to work for the National Coordinator for Security & Counterterrorism. He has advised during several crisis such as a mass shooting, large chemical fires, extreme weather, cybersecurity incidents and plane crashes (e.g. MH17).

      • 3
        “Stress management: Keep calm, stress is totally normal!”

        Crisis management involves making difficult decisions, often under time- and/or political pressure, having little information and dealing with uncertain circumstances. In other words: acting during crises means party time for your stress hormones.

        While stress has its short-term positive effects (e.g. increased focus and productivity), it is often perceived as something negative, that gets in the way of effective problem solving and decision making. In this workshop we’ll learn how to benefit more from stress, by recognizing your stressors and focussing on how to manage your (and your colleagues!) acute stress responses. This involves practical tools and techniques which are easy to use in the heat of a crisis. Or even in the workshop itself, as we will end the workshop with a short crisis simulation where you and your team will be challenged by dilemmas, distractions and a constant changing environment… will you be able to keep focus, awareness and a steady heartbeat?

        So keep calm, it’s just some (short-term) stress that is coming for you!

        About the Trainers:

        • Marthe Huibers is an Organizational psychologist, fascinated by (effective and ineffective) human behaviour and teamwork. The last 11 years she worked as a trainer, coach and consultant in the field of crisis management, where she educated and trained people from operational to strategic level in how to deal with the unexpected. She currently works as team coach and -trainer, helping teams to (re)discover their (crisis-)potential.

        • Wouter Beijersbergen worked as a trainer and consultant in the field of crisis management for the last 9 years. He served governmental as well as private companies on topics as crisis management response, planning, decision making and exercising. During his years in crisis management, he developed a huge crush on cybersecurity and made an effort to apply the lessons learned in crisis management to the field of cybersecurity. Wouter currently works as safety advisor for a Dutch municipality,

    • 13:45
    • ​​Crisis Management Exercise
    • Plenary wrap up
    • Optional - have a drink and talk about crisis (or relax)