7 December 2021
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

“Stress management: Keep calm, stress is totally normal!”

7 Dec 2021, 10:35
3h 10m



Crisis management involves making difficult decisions, often under time- and/or political pressure, having little information and dealing with uncertain circumstances. In other words: acting during crises means party time for your stress hormones.

While stress has its short-term positive effects (e.g. increased focus and productivity), it is often perceived as something negative, that gets in the way of effective problem solving and decision making. In this workshop we’ll learn how to benefit more from stress, by recognizing your stressors and focussing on how to manage your (and your colleagues!) acute stress responses. This involves practical tools and techniques which are easy to use in the heat of a crisis. Or even in the workshop itself, as we will end the workshop with a short crisis simulation where you and your team will be challenged by dilemmas, distractions and a constant changing environment… will you be able to keep focus, awareness and a steady heartbeat?

So keep calm, it’s just some (short-term) stress that is coming for you!

About the Trainers:

  • Marthe Huibers is an Organizational psychologist, fascinated by (effective and ineffective) human behaviour and teamwork. The last 11 years she worked as a trainer, coach and consultant in the field of crisis management, where she educated and trained people from operational to strategic level in how to deal with the unexpected. She currently works as team coach and -trainer, helping teams to (re)discover their (crisis-)potential.

  • Wouter Beijersbergen worked as a trainer and consultant in the field of crisis management for the last 9 years. He served governmental as well as private companies on topics as crisis management response, planning, decision making and exercising. During his years in crisis management, he developed a huge crush on cybersecurity and made an effort to apply the lessons learned in crisis management to the field of cybersecurity. Wouter currently works as safety advisor for a Dutch municipality,

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