Offering Campus Network Management as A Service: Challenges and Lessons Learnt

(Timezone - Europe/Amsterdam)
Online (Online)


Maria Isabel Gandia Carriedo

Several European NRENs have started offering Campus Network Management as a Service (CNaaS) to their connected institutions, either because the end-institutions or the governments have requested them to do it. Defining the new model, automating the infrastructure and sharing the management are some of the new challenges to solve.

The GN4-3 project is organising an Infoshare on CNaaS, where we will learn about the experiences and lessons learnt of three NRENs that are already offering the service: FUNET, SUNET and UNINETT.

This Infoshare was held on October 7th, 2020 at 13:00 CET and was recorded. You can find the recording in the GÉANT channel:

CNaaS Infoshare participation
    • 1:00 PM 1:20 PM
      Campus Network as a Service in SUNET 20m

      Explanation of the complexities, background and experiences so far from initial production. The components used and the collaborative development with other NRENs will be also discussed: why some parts are developed in-house, which can be reused by or from other NRENs?

      Speaker: Mr David Heed (SUNET)
    • 1:20 PM 1:40 PM
      Campus Network as a Service in FUNET 20m

      Overview of the service status, the use cases and customer feedback and the latest development of automation tools and the shared management platform.

      Speaker: Mr Asko Hakala (FUNET)
    • 1:40 PM 2:00 PM
      Campus Network as a Service in UNINETT 20m

      Experiences on bringing services to two new customers, including wifi deployment in a big Campus and the development of their aggregated alert system, that receives information from several monitoring systems and integrates them into a single one.

      Speakers: Mr Morten Brekkevold (UNINETT), Mr Vidar Faltinsen (UNINETT)
    • 2:00 PM 2:30 PM
      Campus Network as a Service Infoshare: Q&A and Debate 30m

      Questions and answers and discussion around the table about CNaaS services

      Speakers: Mr Asko Hakala (FUNET), Mr David Heed (SUNET), Mrs Maria Isabel Gandia (CSUC), Mr Morten Brekkevold (UNINETT), Mr Vidar Faltinsen (UNINETT)