Workshop on Network Management and Monitoring Tools

(Timezone - Europe/Belgrade)

The full recording of the workshop can be found here.

The Workshop on Network Management and Monitoring (NEMMO) Tools is taking place on-line on March 24th 2021 starting at 13:00 CET. The Workshop is organised by the Monitoring and Management task in the Network Technologies and Service Development work package (WP6) of the GN4-3 project. Continuing from the previous successful NEMMO workshop held in Copenhagen in 2019, this workshop will bring together network operators, researchers and other members of the GÉANT and NREN community interested in network monitoring and management tools, to present and discuss the future development of network monitoring platforms.

Participants will be able to hear more about a variety of tools being developed or investigated in the GN4-3 project:

  • Passive and active tools for wired and wireless network monitoring, including jitter monitoring, and in-band network telemetry; 

  • Tools for aggregating alarms from multiple networks (with an example from a campus monitoring use case);

  • News about production GÉANT services: perfSONAR, PMP, NMaaS, WiFiMon

There will be plenty of time set aside for discussion of the tools presented, and ideas for their development, or for gaps to be discussed.

Due to the COVID-19 situation, the event was held online and was recorded.

    • 13:00 14:30
      Session 1
      • 13:00
        Welcome and introduction 10m
        Speaker: Pavle Vuletić (UoB/AMRES)
      • 13:10
        NMaaS as a platform for multi tenant network monitoring / RARE monitoring use case 25m

        NMaaS is a service developed and maintained by the GÉANT Project. NMaaS is offered to all members of the GÉANT community including NRENs, end Institutions, research projects and individuals with the indent to ease local network monitoring and management by moving the NMS installation to a secure NMaaS cloud.
        Session will cover a brief introduction to selected aspects of the Network Management as a Service, an update on the central NMaaS instance running at and a live walkthrough of the process of deploying and accessing a new application instance on the example of RARE infrastructure monitoring.

        Speakers: Fréderic Loui (RENATER), Łukasz Łopatowski (PSNC)
      • 13:35
        Argus - aggregated alarm console 15m

        By deploying Campus Networks as a Service, Uninett's existing plethora of network and service monitoring tools multiplies with every new customer. How can we manage alarms and notifications from all of these instances in our Service Center?
        For this purpose, we built Argus: A open source tool for consolidating incidents across network management systems, and for managing NOC notification profiles in a single interface.
        This talk presents our progress with Argus since the last NEMMO, our current status, and some of the issues we've run across on the way.

        Speaker: Morten Brekkevold (UNINETT)
      • 13:50
        Monitoring End-User Wi-Fi Experience with WiFiMon: Capabilities and Results 15m

        WiFiMon is an open source system for Wi-Fi network performance evaluation aiming to support administrators in detecting underperforming sections in their networks. WiFiMon combines crowdsourced and hardware probe measurements; crowdsourced measurements monitor the end user Wi-Fi experience, while hardware probes monitor the network from fixed points, thus enabling baseline comparisons with crowdsourced ones. This talk will introduce the audience to WiFiMon and its capabilities, discuss results from WiFiMon setups and provide details on ongoing work.

        Speaker: Nikos Kostopoulos (NTUA/GRNET)
      • 14:05
        In-band network telemetry 15m

        Experience in monitoring at High Frequency packet networks in NRENs using In-band Network Telemetry. Facing new challenges and big data collection and analysis.

        Speaker: Mauro Campanella (GARR)
      • 14:20
        Discussion 10m
    • 14:45 16:15
      Session 2
      • 14:45
        Timemap for latency and jitter monitoring 15m

        Timemap is a service developed in WP6T1 for collection, visualization and analysis of latency and jitter measurement data from Géant backbone routers using the Juniper Realtime Performance Monitor and TWAMP standard. In this talk we will present Timemap's features and its architecture, presenting how it will evolve and how the same ideas could be adopted by NRENs for latency and jitter monitoring inside their own networks.

        Speaker: Fabio Farina (GARR)
      • 15:00
        perfSONAR - latest news 15m

        A look at the latest perfSONAR development and features with versions 4.2 and 4.3 and what comes next. Preparing for perfSONAR 5.0 with a major backend overhaul that will enable new visualisation capabilities and integration with other network monitoring tools.

        Speaker: Antoine Delvaux (PSNC)
      • 15:15
        PMP service, current status and future development plans 15m

        This session will share insights and experiences on PMP service. We will also brainstorm new ideas to enhance the service and drive its future directions.

        Speaker: Szymon Trocha (PSNC)
      • 15:30
        PMP data analysis 15m
        Speaker: Ljubomir Hrboka (CARNET)
      • 15:45
        Discussion 30m