GÉANT Infoshare - How can we work together? AfricaConnect3 - European NRENs Infoshare

(Timezone - Europe/Amsterdam)

We wish to invite you to the AfricaConnect3 - European NREN Info Share! This info share is intended to be an open platform to discuss and assess the possible synergies between the AC3 team and the European NRENs. European NRENs interested in the project are welcome to outline their previous relationship with the African R&E Community and how they anticipate this relationship can be furthered through the AfricaConnect3 project. Beyond understanding possible synergies, we would also welcome the opinion of European NRENs on how the GÉANT team should approach accruing counter-funding from European development agencies.

*The infoshare will be recorded and its content will be shared via the GÉANT sites

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