Infoshare: Network eAcademy

(Timezone - Europe/Amsterdam)
Virtually Hosted

The Network eAcademy is a service created to help and support organisations in human capital development in Network-development-related domains. Among the activities the Network eAcademy team is developing, we can find the publication of contents around orchestration, automation and virtualisation, such as architecture analysis, terminology or a Maturity Model, and training programmes “from the community for the community”. The training programmes are continuously developed, with collaboration from other tasks and external organisations, and consist of tracks on Automation, including Artificial Intelligence, Quantum Technologies and Optical Time and Frequency Networks (OTFN). 

In this Infoshare, we will see an update of the status of these activities and we will invite the attendees, including external collaborators, to give their point of view and feedback on the development of new content.

The Infoshare will be recorded.

    • 1
      Introduction to the Network eAcademy
      Speaker: Mariaisabel Gandia Carriedo (CSUC/RedIRIS)
    • 2
      Architecture blueprint and analyses
      Speaker: Lidija Jakovčić (CARNET)
    • 3
      Terminology and glossary
      Speaker: Iacovos Ioannou (CYNET)
    • 4
      OAV Maturity Model
      Speaker: Eldis Mujarić (CARNET)
    • 5
      • a) Network Automation
        Speaker: Donal Cunningham (HEAnet clg)
      • b) Quantum Technologies
        Speaker: Susanne Naegele-Jackson (FAU/DFN)
      • c) Optical Time and Frequency Networks
        Speaker: Susanne Naegele-Jackson (FAU/DFN)
      • d) External collaborations
    • 6
      Open discussion & AOB
      Speaker: Mariaisabel Gandia Carriedo (CSUC/RedIRIS)