AfricaConnect3 NEXUS Highlighting the Infrastructure for Research and Education Community

(Timezone - Europe/Amsterdam)
The Hotel (Brussels, Belgium )

The Hotel

Brussels, Belgium

GÉANT, NORDUnet, and the Guild are convening a multistakeholder event focusing on how National Research and Education Networks can support ongoing planned initiatives between the Nordic and African universities. The event will focus on strengthening and supporting the community of end-users of higher education and research institutions through NREN.  


    • Session 1: Keynote address- The State of Research and Research infrastructure: The State of Research and Research infrastructure

      • Bridging Borders: UNESCO's Global Perspective on Research-Louis Haxthausen- UNESCO
      • AU-EU Innovation and how to develop equal, mutually beneficial partnerships with African Universities- Jan Palmowski- The Guild
      • How National Research and Educations enable research- Paul Rouse GÉANT

      Convener: Nicky Wako (GÉANT)
    • Session 2: Policy-Funding- Infrastructure

      This session discusses the policy and investment mechanisms required to achieve infrastructure equity that affects research and higher education institutions' collaboration capacity and capabilities. This session will also emphasise the significance of the AU-EU Innovation Agenda and the African Union Continental Education Strategy for Africa on the European R&E communities.

      Convener: Nicky Wako (GÉANT)
    • 12:30 PM
      Networking Lunch
    • Session 3: Research infrastructures for the African knowledge society - The Guild

      This session will discuss the potential benefits and current challenges of research infrastructures in Africa with insight from researchers involved in an Africa – Europe Clusters of Research Excellence. Scientists from both continents have come together in these Clusters for long-term agendas of excellent, bottom-up research built on equitable partnerships, aligned with the AU-EU Innovation Agenda and an awareness of the infrastructure needed for a stronger African knowledge society.

      Convener: Mr Sean Rowlands (The Guild)
    • Session 4: AfricaConnect Project: Connecting the Future. GEANT

      This session provides an overview of the AfricaConnect initiative and its implementing partners, who are working together to enhance the accessibility of digital infrastructures and technologies for African academic and research institutions to unlock the full potential of quality education and research in Africa.

      Convener: Leila Dekkar
    • Session 5: Supporting R&E institutions through Sustainable and Resilient- NREN

      This session will discuss how National Research and Education Networks meet the demands of NREN members, ranging from schools to university research institutes.

      Convener: Nicky Wako (GÉANT)