27–29 Nov 2023
Hotel Slon
Europe/Ljubljana timezone
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How to ensure semantic interoperability between FAIR digital objects

29 Nov 2023, 09:00
Hotel Slon (Slovenska cesta 34 1000 Ljubljana Slovenia)

Hotel Slon

Slovenska cesta 34 1000 Ljubljana Slovenia
Keynote Keynote (Day 2)


Ojsteršek MIlan (Univerity of Maribor)


FAIR Digital Objects (FDOs) are datasets, publications, software, services, workflows, lab notebooks, and other digital results of research that are easily discoverable by humans and machines. FDOs are accessible to anyone with permission, interoperable with other digital objects regardless of their format or software, and reusable without modification for the same or different purposes. The semantic interoperability of FDOs is achieved by using common vocabularies and ontologies to define the meaning of data elements. These vocabularies and ontologies provide a common understanding of the data, even if it is stored in different systems or formats. We will first outline the minimum set of metadata required for FDOs. The lecture will focus on the National Open Science Infrastructure, what processes we have put in place, and how we have achieved semantic interoperability of FDOs within this infrastructure. Finally, we will outline the European Genomic Data Infrastructure (GDI) project, where we are working to establish a federated, sustainable, and secure infrastructure that will provide access to genomic and related phenotypic and clinical data across Europe, with controlled access for clinicians, public and private sector researchers, and health policymakers. Non-sensitive and aggregated data will be openly discoverable through the federated query system.

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