27–29 Nov 2023
Hotel Slon
Europe/Ljubljana timezone

DDI: From a simple Codebook to an integrated suite of products

29 Nov 2023, 10:30
Hall 1

Hall 1

Regular Presentation User Needs, Efficient Infrastructures and Improved Quality DDI Standards


Wendy Thomas


The vision of DDI has grown over the years from a simple codebook for microdata and aggregate data files, to a model that supported metadata-driven data systems, to a suite of products that supports a variety of applications in a broad area of coverage across several related disciplines. This shift in focus reflects changes in the data environment, technology, and user needs over time. It raises the need for a clear road-map for individual products as well as the overall integration of DDI products and support mechanisms. The Technical Committee of the DDI is responsible for overseeing the coordinated development, publication, and maintenance of the suite of DDI products. As such, the overall roadmap needs to reflect the intended purpose and means of ensuring the development and maintenance of a well-integrated suite of products as well as products to support product development and the smooth transfer of metadata between products to support different applications and uses over time.

This presentation will address activities and plans to address issues concerning:

  • The integration and interplay of products in the DDI Suite
  • Common ontology/common objects used across DDI products
  • Movement of content between products
  • Product alignment in terms of coverage and applied usage
  • Consistency f new coverage areas in multiple products
  • Tooling to support input to the development process, transfer of content
    between products, and decision support

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