27–29 Nov 2023
Hotel Slon
Europe/Ljubljana timezone
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Mixed-mode survey creation as a key scenario for tool support of the DDI variable cascade

29 Nov 2023, 14:20
Hall 2

Hall 2

Regular Presentation Interoperability, Reusing and Sharing Metadata Variable Cascade


Oliver Hopt


Mixed mode surveys are not new but have become quite popular or necessary recently due to a variety of reasons such as enhanced response rates, access to diverse populations or flexibility.
When it comes to creation, documentation, or management of mixed-mode survey they become complex to handle, then having one master questionnaire. More complexity is followed by more resources, making mixed-mode surveys more expensive. To reduce the complexity and costs we propose to provide the right tools and base them on the DDI variable cascade model. We want to discuss potential workflows and key requirements focusing on creation and documentation of mixed-mode questionnaires and surveys. The support should also include the seamless integration in lifecycle management for further reduction effort.

Small mixed mode surveys are a key scenario for tooling because they cover the same needs as large projects with the resource restrictions of single studies. By handling the needs of small mixed mode studies, the approach would also offer a raised standard of documentation for single studies and reduce the effort of metadata management within the large survey programs.

Primary authors

Claus-peter Klas (GESIS - Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences) Oliver Hopt

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