27–29 Nov 2023
Hotel Slon
Europe/Ljubljana timezone
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How DDI supports data management, archiving and secondary reuse at the French Center for Socio-Political Data

28 Nov 2023, 15:55
Hall 1

Hall 1

Short Presentation User Needs, Efficient Infrastructures and Improved Quality User Needs


Alina DANCIU (Sciences Po, Center for Socio-Political Data (CDSP))


The French Center for Socio-Political Data is jointly operated and financed by Sciences Po, one of the leading SSH French universities, and the French Center for National Research (CNRS). One of the center’s main missions has been to serve the French and international SSH communities by facilitating the reuse of surveys and data, both quantitative and qualitative, in the fields of sociology and political science. The main themes of CDSP’s data repository are: political attitudes and behaviour, gender, family, immigration, school, health, cultural practices, new technologies, etc. The CDSP is one of the authoritative data sources concerning French elections, providing ballot results 1958 to 2012, making them available both to the research community and to the general public.
The CDSP has been using DDI for the last 15 years and has recently been certified with the CoreTrustSeal. In this presentation, we’ll discuss the role DDI has in our data management and archiving processes and how it helped us be eligible for the CoreTrustSeal.

Primary author

Alina DANCIU (Sciences Po, Center for Socio-Political Data (CDSP))

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