27–29 Nov 2023
Hotel Slon
Europe/Ljubljana timezone
Registration is now open

Envisioning the Future of DDI in the Metadata Landscape

28 Nov 2023, 16:20
1h 10m
Hotel Slon (Slovenska cesta 34 1000 Ljubljana Slovenia)

Hotel Slon

Slovenska cesta 34 1000 Ljubljana Slovenia
Complete Session User Needs, Efficient Infrastructures and Improved Quality DDI Alliance Plenary


Hilde Orten (Sikt - Norwegian Agency for Shared Services in Education and Research) Jared Lyle (ICPSR, University of Michigan) Jon Johnson (CLOSER, UCL)


Join the chairs of the DDI Executive Board and the DDI Scientific Board, as well as the DDI Executive Director, to discuss Alliance priorities and plans, especially with an eye toward user and member needs. Engage in thoughtful conversations and Q&A, especially as we envision DDI's strategic role in the exciting future of metadata.

Primary authors

Hilde Orten (Sikt - Norwegian Agency for Shared Services in Education and Research) Jared Lyle (ICPSR, University of Michigan) Jon Johnson (CLOSER, UCL)

Presentation materials

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