27–29 Nov 2023
Hotel Slon
Europe/Ljubljana timezone
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The role of structured metadata in the EOSC Future Science Project ‘Climate Neutral and Smart Cities’

29 Nov 2023, 15:30
Hall 2

Hall 2

Regular Presentation Interoperability, Reusing and Sharing Metadata DDI-CDI


Hilde Orten (Sikt - Norwegian Agency for Shared Services in Education and Research)


The objective of the ‘Climate Neutral and Smart Cities’ Science Project of EOSC Future is to demonstrate that relevant environmental data and data on citizens' values, attitudes, behavior and involvement can be combined in a meaningful way for social, political and scientific analysis.
The Science Project rests on three pillars: Indicator production and integration of data from three different research domains, structured metadata for interdisciplinary use, and dissemination of data and research outcomes.
The presentation gives an introduction to the project and describes needs and usages of structured metadata in the project, with main focus on DDI-Cross Domain Integration (DDI-CDI), and how DDI-CDI and DDI-Lifecycle are used together in the project.

Primary author

Hilde Orten (Sikt - Norwegian Agency for Shared Services in Education and Research)


Arofan Gregory (CODATA) Benjamin Beuster (Sikt - Norwegian agency for shared services in education and research) Joachim Wackerow

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