27–29 Nov 2023
Hotel Slon
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Implementing the DDI-CDI Process Model for Describing Data Integration: Insights from the EOSC Future Science Project “Climate Neutral and Smart Cities”

29 Nov 2023, 16:00
Hall 2

Hall 2

Regular Presentation Interoperability, Reusing and Sharing Metadata DDI-CDI


Benjamin Beuster (Sikt - Norwegian agency for shared services in education and research)Mr Joachim Wackerow


The "Climate Neutral and Smart Cities” Science Project contributes significantly to the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) Future Project by showcasing cross-domain data integration using the new DDI-CDI metadata specification. This presentation demonstrates the use of the DDI-CDI Process Model, which offers a standardized approach to comprehensively describe data lineage and integration processes. This helps researchers understand the complexity of the integrated data and the resulting variables.

The presentation focuses on a specific facet of the DDI-CDI Process Model, breaking down individual process steps with designated purposes and distinct input/output parameters. This approach emphasizes the process sequence rather than the entire DDI-CDI process model.

Furthermore, we introduce a prototype tool that not only demonstrates the use for researchers but also facilitates universal understanding of the DDI-CDI process description. Additionally, we address limitations of the DDI-CDI model identified during the process tool implementation, which prompted updates by the DDI-CDI working group.

Primary authors

Benjamin Beuster (Sikt - Norwegian agency for shared services in education and research) Mr Joachim Wackerow

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