27–29 Nov 2023
Hotel Slon
Europe/Ljubljana timezone
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Applying the DDI Specifications to Organisational Challenges: An Introduction to the Standards

27 Nov 2023, 13:00
3h 30m
Hotel Slon (Slovenska cesta 34 1000 Ljubljana Slovenia)

Hotel Slon

Slovenska cesta 34 1000 Ljubljana Slovenia
Tutorial or Workshop Interoperability, Reusing and Sharing Metadata Tutorial


Arofan Gregory (CODATA) Maja Dolinar (Slovenian Social Science Data Archives (ADP), Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Ljubljana) Adrian Dusa (University of Bucharest ) Christophe Dzikowski (INSEE)


The DDI specifications cover a wide range of needs in data production, management, reuse, and dissemination. Deciding on which specification is best depends on the organisational challenges faced, and specific requirements. This tutorial is for an audience which is unfamiliar with the DDI standards. It introduces the different specifications, and considers the uses to which standard, machine-actionable metadata and associated tools can be put. It is not a technical introduction, but provides information about how the standards support data production, management, archiving, and dissemination.

I. Introduction: brief background and the evolution of DDI specifications in light of changing user needs and technology.

II. Data archiving: supporting secondary use of data with DDI Codebook.

III. Data production: how metadata management with DDI Lifecycle improves efficiency in collection and management, and enhances data quality/usability. Looks at description of questionnaires, multi-wave studies, data comparison, and metadata reuse.

IV. Widespread data reuse: implementation of the FAIR data principles with the DDI standards. Covers both domain-specific FAIR as well as cross-domain FAIR with DDI-CDI.

In each case, live examples/use cases and exercises will illustrate the topics, and provide hands-on interactions by participants.

This will be a half-day, in-person training event.

Primary authors

Arofan Gregory (CODATA) Maja Dolinar (Slovenian Social Science Data Archives (ADP), Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Ljubljana) Adrian Dusa (University of Bucharest ) Christophe Dzikowski (INSEE)

Presentation materials

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