27–29 Nov 2023
Hotel Slon
Europe/Ljubljana timezone
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Creating Longitudinal Data Series Comparisons - New Highlights from the NACDA Portal

29 Nov 2023, 13:30
Hall 1

Hall 1

Regular Presentation Interoperability, Reusing and Sharing Metadata Harmonisation


Kathryn Lavender (ICPSR, NACDA) Jennifer Zeiger (ICPSR, NACDA)


In this presentation, we plan to describe NACDA’s efforts over the last year to develop a multi-series comparison of longitudinal, nationally representative, National Institute on Aging funded data collections using DDI-Lifecycle, as well as share some lessons learned.

The National Archive of Computerized Data on Aging (NACDA, part of ICPSR) began working with DDI-Lifecycle in 2018. Since then, NACDA has made efforts to document some of our most established and frequently-used longitudinal data collections to DDI-L and display them in a Colectica Portal. In this presentation, we will discuss how our portal and the way we use it have evolved. Namely, we have built on our earliest efforts in comparing variables within a single series and across two series, to develop new methods that include the recent addition of a multi-series concordance to the portal.

NACDA is part of the Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR) and based at the Institute for Social Research (ISR) at the University of Michigan.

Primary authors

Kathryn Lavender (ICPSR, NACDA) Jennifer Zeiger (ICPSR, NACDA)


Sanda Ionescu (ICPSR, NACDA)

Presentation materials

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