27–29 Nov 2023
Hotel Slon
Europe/Ljubljana timezone
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Enhancing DDI Support in the Open Source Dataverse Repository Software

28 Nov 2023, 11:00
Hall 2

Hall 2

Regular Presentation Software and Tools Software


Victoria Lubitch (Scholars Portal )


Recognizing the significance of DDI for use in data archives and research data management, this presentation aims to introduce the Dataverse Data Curation Tool, an open and integrated DDI application that supports editing dataset variable metadata in Dataverse. An overview of the current challenges and limitations of integration of DDI into Dataverse, including issues related to metadata transfer, compliance, reuse, and user accessibility will be discussed. Furthermore, an overview of proposed enhancements and recent developments in Dataverse related to DDI support, including expanded support for variable metadata and the Data Curation Tool, highlights new features, tools, and best practices for leveraging DDI in Dataverse. This presentation seeks to demonstrate the Data Curation Tool and DDI support within the Dataverse repository software for the DDI community as a whole.

An example of the Data Curation Tool used for a specific dataset.

Primary author

Victoria Lubitch (Scholars Portal )

Presentation materials

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