Nov 27 – 29, 2023
Hotel Slon
Europe/Ljubljana timezone

Python Library for Colectica Portal API

Nov 29, 2023, 12:45 PM
Hotel Slon (Slovenska cesta 34 1000 Ljubljana Slovenia)

Hotel Slon

Slovenska cesta 34 1000 Ljubljana Slovenia
Poster Software and Tools Posters


Jenny Li (CLOSER, UCL)


Colectica Portal is widely used to disseminate DDI-LIfecycle metadata. It acts as a website which sits on top of Colectica Repository and provides access to item level metadata through display as web pages and as downloads in a number of formats.
The API is documented in the swagger documentation that is supplied with Colectica Portal, but for those unfamiliar with either API programming or DDI-Lifecycle, using the API can be a significant barrier.
The colectica-api wrapper allows a user with little experience of using APIs or DDI-Lifecycle a straight-forward entry point to those with python programming experience to access and discovery DDI-LIfecycle metadata. The colectica-api wrapper is open sourced and available as a pip install package for ease of use, and provides example code to get a python developer up and running. The wrapper takes advantage of the introduction of JSON format in the recent versions of Colectica which is preferred over the previous XML format.

Primary authors

Jenny Li (CLOSER, UCL) Mr Jon Johnson (CLOSER, UCL)

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