9:00 AM
Welcome and Introduction
Malin Sandström
(SE e-IRG Delegate)
Stefan Hanslik
(e-IRG Chair)
Sverker Holmgren
(SE e-IRG Delegate)
Vasilis Maglaris
9:10 AM
Recapitulation of 20 years of e-IRG
Fotis Karayannis
(e-IRG Secretariat/e-IRGSP7 project director)
9:25 AM
Impact at national level - The SURF Impact NL
Arjen van Rijn
Ron Augustus
9:40 AM
Impact at institutional level - The Chalmers University eCommons
Sverker Holmgren
(SE e-IRG Delegate)
9:55 AM
Keynote presentation on e-Infrastructures and AI, big data,
Daniel Gillblad
(Director Chalmers AI Center – Chair and Co-Director AI Sweden)
10:30 AM
e-IRG vision
Gudmund Høst
(NeIC director, NordForsk)
Stefan Hanslik
(e-IRG Chair)
10:40 AM
Short keynotes from EC and key e-Infrastructure-related initiatives: EOSC, EU Data Spaces
Tobias Wiesenthal
(EC DG Connect)
Ute Gunsenheimer
Pierre Gronlier
(CTO Gaia-X)
11:10 AM
Lightning talks - Position statements on the future of e-Infrastructures and key related policy topics - The role of e-IRG - Provider perspective
Cathrin Stover
Tiziana Ferrari
Per Öster
Natalia Manola
Philippe Segers
11:40 AM
Lightning talks - Position statement with key policy topics for the future and the role of e-IRG - User perspective
Andreas Petzold
(Forschungszentrum Juelich / ENVRI-FAIR, Representative of ESFRI Clusters)
Bregt Saenen
(Science Europe)
Denis O'Hora
(University of Galway and EOSC Future User Group)
12:00 PM
Arjen van Rijn