e-IRG has been working on the topic of coordination between thematic and generic infrastructures at institutional, national, regional and EU levels, as well as among the generic infrastructures themselves for quite some time now, with the e-IRG National Nodes document in 2019 and the e-IRG White Papers 2021 and 2022.
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Michel Schouppe
22/06/2023, 14:00
3 - Coordination among generic and thematic infrastructures in the new ERA
22/06/2023, 14:15
3 - Coordination among generic and thematic infrastructures in the new ERA
22/06/2023, 14:30
3 - Coordination among generic and thematic infrastructures in the new ERA
Stefan Hanslik
(e-IRG Chair)
22/06/2023, 14:45
3 - Coordination among generic and thematic infrastructures in the new ERA
Michel Schouppe,
Jana Kolar,
Stefan Hanslik
(e-IRG Chair),
Paolo Budroni
(e-IRG AT delegate)
22/06/2023, 15:00
3 - Coordination among generic and thematic infrastructures in the new ERA
Stefan Hanslik
(e-IRG Chair),
Sverker Holmgren
(SE e-IRG Delegate)
22/06/2023, 15:45
3 - Coordination among generic and thematic infrastructures in the new ERA
Ignacio Blanquer
3 - Coordination among generic and thematic infrastructures in the new ERA
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Michel Schouppe et al.
SE EU Presidency rep - EC CNECT - EC R&I - EOSC SB - ESFRI - e-Infrastructure organisations reps - e-IRG
Malmö, Hotel Clarion
15:00 - 15:45
Stefan Hanslik et al.
Wrap-up and conclusions
Malmö, Hotel Clarion
15:45 - 16:00
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