21–22 Jun 2023
Malmö, Hotel Clarion
Europe/Copenhagen timezone

Recapitulation of 20 years of e-IRG

21 Jun 2023, 09:10
Malmö, Hotel Clarion (Dag Hammarskjölds torg 2, 211 18 Malmö, Sweden )

Malmö, Hotel Clarion

Dag Hammarskjölds torg 2, 211 18 Malmö, Sweden
20 years of e-IRG Anniversary event 20 years of e-IRG Anniversary event


Fotis Karayannis (e-IRG Secretariat/e-IRGSP7 project director)


Recapitulation of 20 years of e-IRG - The e-Infrastructure Commons - Impact at institutional, national and European levels

Presentation materials