12–13 Dec 2022
Hotel Diplomat
Europe/Berlin timezone


Interlinking - interaction between data, publications and PIDs

13 Dec 2022, 13:30
Hotel Diplomat (Prague, Czechia )

Hotel Diplomat

Prague, Czechia


Data, scholarly information about their exploitation from publications and all kinds of identifiers need to be interlinked to provide an ecosystem that is machine-actionable and ”FAIR”-enough. Thus, the session will be used to discuss possible approaches on such interlinking and interactions. The status of affairs in each of the related areas will be reviewed and views on their interlinking will be proposed. For example, Knowledge Graphs provide structured information and means to interconnect different types of research artefacts (e.g. publications, data, software, samples, instruments). Whereas Data Management Plans provide information about the data itself and where they are stored. Persistent identifiers are also crucial in providing unique means for registration, findability and provenance of such artefacts. Experts will reflect on the interlinking of all these topics and on policy approaches for their harmonisation and interoperability.

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