The session will be used to present the pre-final version of the e-IRG White Paper 2022, which comprises the analysis of responses to the guiding questions on coordination and collaboration between European e-Infrastructures. The Guiding Questions were sent to the e-Infrastructure initiatives and the analysis of their inputs will be presented. The session will be used to request further feedback from the e-IRG major audiences, namely, the policy makers and funders (including the EC, both DG RTD and DG Connect), the e-Infrastructures themselves (commenting also on each others’ views), and the end users. This workshop will act as the final round of consultation before the publication of the e-IRG White Paper 2022 and the inputs received will be integrated into its final version that will be released after the e-IRG Workshop.
Opening and Welcome by the Deputy Minister of Education, Youths and Sports of the Czech Republic, the e-IRG Chair and the Czech Republic Delegation
Jana Kolar (ESFRI)