May 30 – 31, 2022
Europe/Berlin timezone


Cross-e-Infrastructure collaboration and coordination (network, computing, data)

May 31, 2022, 2:00 PM


Cross-e-Infrastructure collaboration and coordination (network, computing, data)

  • Ignacio Blanquer (e-Infrastructure Reflection Group)


Research infrastructures require strong underlying e-Infrastructures, which are well-coordinated. Such coordination encompasses the 3 main pillars of the EC European Cloud Infrastructure (ECI), namely the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC), the European Data Infrastructure (EDI) with networking, supercomputing/HPC and Cloud infrastructures, and the expansion towards the public sector and industry. This session is closely linked with the next iteration of the e-IRG White Paper that will be produced in 2022, and the inputs and feedback collected during the workshop will feed the e-IRG White Paper 2022. This topic is also linked with the heterogeneous funding programmes and initiatives for e-Infrastructures, ranging from EuroHPC, EOSC, the Digital Europe Programme, Connecting Europe Facility 2, and the entire Horizon Europe, along with national routed funding programs, and then also initiatives from the private sector and industry.
The aim of this session is to address the topic of the effective collaboration and coordination of all the e-Infrastructure components, i.e. networking, computing (both HTC and HPC) and data infrastructures, and reflect on some possible approaches, paradigms and impacts. The ultimate goal of bridging the gaps across e-Infrastructures is to provide integrated user-friendly services towards researchers, easing their work and deliver to them added value, so that they can focus on the disciplinary or cross-disciplinary research, and not on the infrastructures and tools.

Presentation materials

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Paolo Budroni (e-IRG Chair (TU Wien)), Volker Beckmann (French Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation (MESRI))
5/31/22, 2:00 PM
Ute Gunsenheimer (EOSC Association)
5/31/22, 2:15 PM
Joséphine Wood (EuroHPC JU)
5/31/22, 2:25 PM
Cathrin Stöver (GÉANT), Deborah Testi (EUDAT), Ignacio Blanquer (UPV/e-IRG Spain), Joséphine Wood (EuroHPC Joint Undertaking (JU)), Natalia Manola (OpenAIRE), Peter Brönnimann (SBFI/e-IRG Switzerland), Tiziana Ferrari (, Ute Gunsenheimer (EOSC Association)
5/31/22, 2:45 PM

Discussion on the first part of the session and interaction with the audience

Sergej Mozina (ERA Forum, Member States co-Chair, Slovenia)
5/31/22, 3:20 PM
Gareth O’Neill (Technopolis Group)
5/31/22, 3:30 PM
Gareth O'Neill (Technopolis), Ignacio Blanquer (UPV), Pablo De Castro (EuroCRIS), Peter Brönnimann (SBFI), Sergej Mozina (ERA Forum)
5/31/22, 3:50 PM
Paolo Budroni (TU-Wien)
5/31/22, 4:10 PM
Building timetable...