School for Software Engineering (SSE2021)

(Timezone - Europe/Warsaw)

Software architecture driven by domain – the DDD approach

In its core, Domain Driven Design consists of Strategic and Tactical design. Strategic Design is a set of principles and patterns for maintaining model integrity, distilling the Business Domain Model, and working with multiple models. Strategic design is very useful to divide a large and complex business problem into multiple chunks with clear boundaries and specific responsibilities and build a high-level software design topology.

SSE will be delivered in online classes led by external trainer Jacek Majchrzak ( via Zoom and Miro. Access details and video link to the online sessions will be provided one  week before the start of the training. 

Recent updates and collaboration space are delivered through the wiki (

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  • Jakub Falkowski
  • Magdalena Rzaca
  • Marcin Burczyk
  • Michał Jankowski
  • Milica Ristic
  • Paweł Dziubiński
  • +13