"Vulnerability Management" training programme - " Finding Vulnerabilities 1 - Looking into Networks

(Timezone - Europe/Amsterdam)



Scanning for vulnerabilities in your organisation's network is considered one of the key aspects of vulnerability management. Different scanning and testing approaches will be covered in this module that consists of 3 live online sessions. From scanning the system inside-out or from the outside to simulating actual attacks (pentesting), the attendees will be taken through the introductory steps of conducting and supervising scans and pentests

This is the second module in the "Vulnerability Management" training Programme

Participants will learn:

  • How to scan local systems for vulnerabilities and misconfigurations
  • How to conduct network-wide vulnerability scans
  • How to plan an execute penetration tests


The module includes 3 sessions - please note that there is one registration - once registered you are welcome to attend all or selected sessions of this module.

Also please note that we shall send you an invitation with the Zoom link closer to the date of the session.

If you have registered less than an hour before the start of a session please email glad@geant.org to let us know and we shall forward you joining instructions.

Each session will be recorded; we shall notify all the participants how to access recorded sessions once recordings become available.

We look forward to seeing you (virtually) soon.

Glad Team (GEANT Learning and Development)
    • 2:00 PM 3:00 PM
      Local Vulnerability Scanning 1h

      Today’s systems are so complex that it is almost impossible to run a system without vulnerabilities and misconfigurations. And although there are plenty of benchmarks, baselines and guides available, it is difficult to apply them to the local environment. This webinar will introduce some of the most useful frameworks and tools for local vulnerability scanning.

      Presenter(s)/Facilitator(s): Stefan Kelm, DFN-CERT

      Affiliation (WP/Task): WP8 Task 1

      Authors (content is created by): Tobias Dussa, Klaus Möller, DFN-CERT

    • 2:00 PM 3:00 PM
      Network Vulnerability Scanning 1h

      In order to stay ahead of the threats to a large infrastructure, it is crucial to maintain a clear picture of whether there are vulnerabilities in the components deployed and, if so, what the vulnerabilities are. Scanning systems through the network is one way of gaining insight into this issue. This webinar will provide an introduction to the concepts of network scanning, its benefits, and its drawbacks, as well as offer some practical examples.

      Duration: 1 hour (includes Q&A)

      Webinar Host: Pauline Smith (GLAD)

      Presenter(s)/Facilitator(s): Tobias Dussa , DFN-CERT

      Affiliation (WP/Task): WP8 Task 1

      Authors (content is created by): Klaus Möller, Stefan Kelm, DFN-CERT

    • 2:00 PM 3:00 PM
      Penetration Tests 1h

      No matter how much scanning for vulnerabilities and security process evaluating is done, one question remains: is this really enough against real attacks? Short of experiencing an attack in real life, penetration tests try to answer this question by conducting attacks in a controlled manner. This webinar will give managers and administrators an introduction to the standards and workflow of penetration tests to help in planning and supervising penetration tests carried out on their networks.

      Please note that this session will re-scheduled, as soon as the new date becomes available we will be in touch.

      Duration: 1 hour (includes Q&A)

      Webinar Host: Pauline Smith (GLAD)

      Presenter(s)/Facilitator(s): Klaus Möller, DFN-CERT

      Affiliation (WP/Task): WP8 Task 1

      Authors (content is created by): Stefan Kelm,Tobias Dussa DFN-CERT