
Network Evolution Studies - Drop-in Session 2

(Timezone - UTC)

The Network Core Infrastructure and Core Services Evolution work package (WP7) would like to initiate similar group studies to gather input from project participants and partner NRENs.

The purpose of these network evolution studies is to gather information about NREN network plans and to understand the future requirements and needs of the NRENs. The NRENs should provide insight into their plan and future network infrastructure and services requirements and expectations of their users.

Based on the output from these studies GÉANT will identify the common challenges faced by the NRENs and the unmet needs of the NRENs that GÉANT can address now and in future via GN5 project. A set of CTO workshops will be organised to go over the output of these studies and to get input from CTOs of the NRENs.


The purpose this drop-in session is to provide information about the proecss of information gathering, review and information dissemination. 

  • Daniel Wüstenberg
  • +2