How NRENs can support universities that participate in Erasmus+ programme

(Timezone - Europe/Amsterdam)
(Zoom webinar )
Zoom webinar
Virtually Hosted
Christos Kanellopoulos, Licia Florio (GÉANT)

In this webinar we will present the work done so far to support national identity federations/NRENs to enable their universities in participating to the next Erasmus+ programme via eduGAIN.

Over the last couple of years GÉANT (with some other NRENs) is participating in EC-funded projects (namely MyAcademicID and EDSSI) that aim to enable electronic access to core Erasmus+ services, by delivering a core production platform for student mobility. In November 2020, we launched the MyAcademicID Identity and Access Platform (MyAID IAM) to enable students to access Erasmus+ core services using their federated academic identities, as well as their national eIDs through eIDAS. This is a major result, with 10.000 students from more than 600 HEIs in 31 National Identity Federations around the world logging in via MyAID IAM.


The webinar will cover:

  • The upcoming deadlines for universities participating in the Erasmus+ programme to enable federated access for their Erasmus students;

  • How NRENs/Identity federations can support universities in the digitalisation proecess;

  • MyAcademicID and the European Student Identifier;        

Who should attend

We encourage all federation operators to participate.  We are aware that many of you have been already approached by their universities and/or by the Erasmus National Officers, so we hope to clarify any questions you may have.

The event will be recorded to ensure that everybody can be informed.

How NRENs can support universities that participate in Erasmus+ programme
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