Trust and Identity updates and strategy consultation (online)

(Timezone - Europe/Amsterdam)
(Zoom webinar)
Zoom webinar
Virtually Hosted
Licia Florio (GÉANT), Marina Adomeit

The Trust and Identity (WP5) team will present results on the work done so far and will use this meeting to solicit inputs for the plan for the GN5 project (2023).

The meeting is open to anybody involved in the GN4 T&I activities, to those running similar services in their own countries, those involved in defining strategies for their national T&I activities.

The proposed agenda is appended below:

Overview of the work done so far - (85 min)

  • Welcome and GN4 T&I updates: what we planned, what was done, challenges - Marina and Licia
  • Incubator: how did it work out? Niels

  • Updates from the T&I Service Owners - Michelle, Davide, Christos and Miro

Break - 10 minutes

Planning ahead  - (85 minutes)

  • T&I Strategy highlights: where  do we want to be by the end of GN4-3?  - Marina and Licia (10m) 

  • General discussion and consultation on T&I Strategic directions and future plans in the next phase of GEANT project (60m).

    • Discussion will take place in break-out sessions  

  • Conclusions 5 m


  • Brook Schofield
  • Giuseppe De Marco
  • Ivan Kanakarakis
  • János Mohácsi
  • Marina De Giorgi
  • Miika Tuisku
  • Mikael Linden
  • Reimer Karlsen-Masur
  • Roland Hedberg
  • Shannon Roddy
  • +74
The agenda of this meeting is empty