GÉANT Community Programme infoshare

(Timezone - Europe/Amsterdam)
Gyongyi Horvath

With this infoshare we provide a dedicated time slot to give you a good introduction and overview of the GÉANT Community Programme, share with you the currently covered thematic areas, some examples of the success stories originated from the community programme and how you can propose and create your own topic to become one of the activities and of course to get your feedback to steer better our direction. 

The GÉANT Community Programme is a grassroot, voluntary initiative built by world experts from NRENs, user organisations, research institutions, commercial and industrial sectors. It provides an effective framework for forums to share information and best practices and to discuss possible innovations and further development of services.

The GÉANT Community Programme is made up of Task Forces (TFs), Special Interest Groups (SIGs), bespoke workshops and trainings, and collaborative projects and services designed to facilitate collaboration and the sharing of experiences between GÉANT, NRENs, other R&E bodies and members of the community. The GÉANT Community Programme guides the future development of R&E services, technology and also a variety of non-technical topics for the GÉANT community.

Join the infoshare via the following link: https://geant.zoom.us/j/63715630585?pwd=dExWRWE3NjNhSDgrTUR3UjlDVlNwQT09 


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