TF-EDU infoshare on educational services

(Timezone - Europe/Amsterdam)
Gyongyi Horvath

We would like to invite you to join us in this discussion, where we will discuss issues such as:

  • What educational services are NRENs offering across the spectrum of education stages, from higher education and universities, through to schools?
  • What are the most critical educational services at the moment?
  • How mature are those services, how are they being developed and by who?

We invite you to join our info share on educational services for a one-hour meeting on February, 11th, from 3-4pm CEST. To open the session, we will have a short presentation on the previous TF-EDU surveys on education services and activities, followed by TF-EDU Steering Committee members giving their experiences of the services they or their institutions have found useful, their needs and their challenges, concluding with an info share regarding the launch of the 2021 Annual Survey.

Discuss with us the topics and themes that spark the interest of our community (and that is you as well) and how you can be engaged in future TF-EDU activities.

Link to join:


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