Filesender BoF

(Timezone - Europe/Amsterdam)
(Online event)
Online event

It has been a while since the Filesender community came together to discuss issues and priorities for the project.  For this online BoF we would like to invite all interested Filesender users and sponsors to join the Filesender Board to discuss current project status, recent releases and changes and upcoming priorities for Filesender.

  • Lubos Kopecky
  • +23
Nicole Harris
    • 13:30 15:00
      Filesender BoF 1h 30m

      It has been a while since the Filesender community came together to discuss issues and priorities for the project. For this online BoF we would like to invite all interested Filesender users and sponsors to join the Filesender Board to discuss current project status, recent releases and changes and upcoming priorities for Filesender.