2nd SIG-TFN meeting

(Timezone - UTC)
Joint Research Centre - European Commission (Ispra, Italy)

Joint Research Centre - European Commission

Ispra, Italy

Registration is now closed.

The 2nd SIG-TFN meeting will be held in Ispra, Italy, kindly hosted by the EC JRC (European Commission Joint Research Centre). 

Registration, hotel accommodation + transportation/pick-up to and from hotel will be arranged by the JRC. Due to the security requirements of the site, on-site participants will be required to send their passport/EU27 ID details in advance, as well as to provide their travel plans for pick-up to be arranged accordingly. 

You can find the complete agenda and meeting information here: https://wiki.geant.org/display/SIG/2nd+SIG-TFN+meeting+-+Ispra%2C+Italy.


If you have any questions, please contact nadelina.sandu@geant.org.

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