GÉANT International InfoShare

(Timezone - UTC)

Audience: GÉANT Membership only.

This International InfoShare is organised by GN5-1 WP3 T1 and is aimed at the GÉANT Membership. It will provide updates on key International developments relating to activities in GN5-1 WP3 Task 1, GN5-IC1, and EU-funded regional development projects in the period from September 2023, with a particular focus on the Asia-Pacific region.

The InfoShare will also provide the GÉANT Membership RENs to provide updates on their own international activities.

Connection details for the InfoShare will be distrubuted to participants by e-mail in advance of the event.

  • Alessandro Inzerilli
  • Beatrix Weber
  • Cathrin Stöver
  • Christopher Walker
  • David West
  • Donal Cunningham
  • Edoardo Martelli
  • Emma Apted
  • Enzo Capone
  • Eoin Kenny
  • Fedor Bruinewoud
  • Frederic LOUI
  • George Konnis
  • Gilles Massen
  • Helmut Sverenyák
  • Hendrik Ike
  • João Nuno Ferreira
  • János Mohácsi
  • Jørgen Qvist
  • Leonardo Marino
  • Leonie Schaefer
  • Lætitia A Delvaux
  • Maijastiina Arvola
  • Marco Marletta
  • Marina De Giorgi
  • Massimo Carboni
  • Mauro Campanella
  • Patrick Zidek
  • Peter Bogatencov
  • Richard Lui Lui
  • Tim Chown
  • +1
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