4th GÉANT NIS2 Infoshare 2023

(Timezone - Europe/Amsterdam)

Almost a year after publication of the NIS-2 Directive still a lot around scope and implementation is unclear as national autorities are still preparing for implementing the NIS2 into national legislation. A lot of guidance is coming available from goverment agencies and from commercial parties. This guidance is very useful for preparing for compliance. It does not help in assessing whether an organisation is in scope or not. Especially for NRENs this is difficult to assess.

This infoshare brings together all specialist from the R&E community that are interested in the developments around NIS2. In this infoshare we will give an overview of the status of the NIS2 preparations of the GÉANT members as shared with us in a recent round of interviews with CISO's (no NREN-specific information will be shared).

Participants are invited to share their experiences, please contact us upfront if you want to give a short presentation.

On the agenda this afternoon:

  • NREN preparations for NIS2: results of the CISO meetings
  • Being prepared: ISO certification 
  • Stratix report: NIS2 for NRENs
  • Publication: Security baseline compliance and international regulatory frameworks
  • Anastasia Zagorodniuc
  • Andrea García-Casillas
  • Daniel Lete
  • David Burke
  • David Marín
  • Eligijus Račkauskas
  • Kęstutis Butkus
  • Laurentiu-Dorin Sandu-Bufi
  • Nathan Duffy
  • Álvaro Talens
  • +58
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