GÉANT General Assembly 33

(Timezone - Europe/Paris)
(Rennes, France)
Rennes, France

This meeting of the GEANT General Assembly shall be held in Rennes alongside TNC24.


Details of the meeting will be shared via the General Assembly mailing list.

  • Alberto Perez Gomez
  • Alex De Leeuw
  • Alexander van den Hil
  • Anastas Mishev
  • Aristeidis Sotiropoulos
  • Aristos Anastasiou
  • Arjan Xhelaj
  • Artur Binczewski
  • Bojan Jakovljevic
  • Boris DINTRANS
  • Christoph Witzig
  • Claudio Allocchio
  • Dirk Haex
  • Enis Kočan
  • Eoin Kenny
  • Erik Huizer
  • Gilles Massen
  • Goran Škvarč
  • Harri Kuusisto
  • Hayrettin Bucak
  • Helmut Sverenyák
  • Indrek Rokk
  • Irina Matthews
  • Jakub Papirnik
  • Klaas Wierenga
  • Kristine Andersone
  • Lars Fischer
  • Leonie Schaefer
  • Martin Bech
  • Misi Dwi Jayanti
  • Nati Avrahami
  • Ronan Byrne
  • Tony Cass
  • Valter Nordh
  • +23
The agenda of this meeting is empty