SUBMERSE WP2 and WP3 kick-off meeting

(Timezone - Europe/Berlin)
GFZ HQ (Potsdam, Berlin, Germany)


Potsdam, Berlin, Germany

The SUBMERSE project has already started but this joint kick-off meeting for members of Work Package 2 and 3 will introduce and workshop the technical design and the research focus of the project. 

Please be aware that this meeting is available for project participants only.

If you are interested in this event, or have any queries, please get in touch with Chris Atherton:

  • Raimena Veisllari
  • +30
  • Wednesday, 6 September
    • Lunch
      Convener: Chris Atherton
    • Opening and Intros
      Convener: Chris Atherton
    • WP2 and WP3 Breakout Session 1
    • 16:00
    • WP2 and WP3 Breakout Session 2

      We will split into the two work packages and work on our respective areas of interest.

      Convener: Chris Atherton
    • Dinner
      Convener: Chris Atherton
  • Thursday, 7 September
    • WP2 and WP3 Joint Workshop: Morning Session

      Some of the topics to be covered:

      Usability test and design validation (30 mins)
      Presentation and discussion on interface design (30 mins)
      Scrubbing algorithms, down sampling and data format discussions (30 mins)
      SOP HDF5 data presentation and feedback discussion (15 mins)
      Discussion about what we are going to purchase (30 minutes)
      Discussion on accessing trial data (15 minutes)
      Calibration of equipment discussion (15 minutes)
      How to design OBS experiments and land station calibration (15 minutes)
      Establishment of when datasets will be made available (10 minutes)

    • 11:00
    • Finalisation of timeline and Wrap up: Midday Session
      Convener: Chris Atherton
    • Lunch
      Convener: Chris Atherton