
Infoshare - Gitlab Migration Plans

(Timezone - Europe/Amsterdam)
Virtually Hosted

As there are changes in Gitlab, we are inviting to join the second infoshare dedicated to the discussion on the migration to the Gitlab Community Edition. More information about the process is here: https://wiki.geant.org/display/gn51wp9t2/GitLab+Licensing+-+OS+Program+Remediation

Below you can also find more details about the migration plans, rationale and motives for migrating to the 'free' version of the licence from the OSS version, which imposed licence requirements on the Genat environment for the resulting projects.  

GitLab’s Open Source Program → https://about.gitlab.com/solutions/open-source/

Gitlab instance → https://gitlab.geant.org 

We are inviting for this second infoshare dedicated to the Gitlab migration plans, which will take place on 19 June 2023 at 10.00 CET (via Zoom).

Gitlab Migration Plans Registration