
cyberday.lu conference

(Timezone - Europe/Luxembourg)

CyberDay.lu is the annual cybersecurity event for people operating in the research or education sector in Luxembourg.

With its first edition in 2018, CyberDay.lu provides useful information on existing actual threats in the world of cybersecurity thanks to speeches and feedbacks from professionals in the field acting on the Luxembourg soil.

CyberDay.lu is organized by the Restena Foundation every year in October in Belval, in the South of Luxembourg, a place where a significant proportion of researchers, professors and students in Luxembourg are converging every day in their respective institutions. 

A part of a global initiative 

CyberDay.lu is organized – under the umbrella of Cybersecurity Luxembourg – in October of each year in the frame of the European Cyber Security Month (ECSM), the EU’s annual awareness campaign that takes place each October across Europe.

Organised by

Fondation Restena