GEANT T&I Incubator public sprint demo

(Timezone - Europe/Berlin)

The Trust & Identity Incubator invites all community members to attend our final demo for the second iteration in GN5-1.

The goal of this event is to periodically present the interim results of the current Incubator activities in order to collect feedback from the community as early as possible. Since this is the first large sprint demo for this cycle, we will present the results of the last three months. This is the perfect opportunity to find out about a range of emerging developments in T&I and to influence their outcomes.

All demos are public, you may join any session you like. It is not necessary to attend all sessions, you may join only the ones you are interested in.

  • Andrijana Todosijevic
  • Branko Marović
  • Dawn Ng
  • Esmeralda Pires
  • Maarten Kremers
  • Mario Reale
  • Marko Ivančić
  • Muhammad Farhan Sjaugi
  • Niels van Dijk
  • Pawel Spychala
  • Pete Birkinshaw
  • Samuel Brew
  • Sander Engelberts
  • Simone Visconti
  • Tomasz Kuczyński
  • Wolfgang Pempe
  • Zacharias Törnblom
  • +23
    • 2:00 PM 2:30 PM
      TI-wizard 30m

      Magaging the relations between services and identity providers is a challange, both for emerging adopters of federation technologies, collaborative organisations and institutions alike. Typically technical complexity and a steep learning curve are the liming factors in the ability to manage a SAML or OIDC based ecosystem.

      A GUI may help reduce the complexity of managing the environment, as it provides a single integration and organisational interface for managing the relations. Even so, current proxy products are still rather technically inclined and do not provide easy to use interface to configure the entities.

      This activity takes inspiration from the prototype build in the TIM programme in the previous cycle and aims to create a (browser based) GUI to allow (proxy) operators to easily configure the proxy. The GUI is to be build in such a way it may be deployed independently from the product. A reference implmentation will then be build for both SimpleSAMLphp and SaToSa.

      Speakers: Alexandr Petrunin, Mihály Héder (Budapest University of Technology and Economics), Peter Bolha
    • 2:30 PM 3:00 PM
      Verifiable Credentials Schema for eduPerson, SCHAC and voPerson 30m

      W3C Verifiable Credentials (VC) are increasingly important to our community with the rise of Decentralized Identity and Wallet ecosystems. Several VC based credential definitions already exist for expressing skills and micro-credentials, like e.g. the Openbadges 3.0 specification. However, there is no consistent and community driven definition for expressing the 'identity related' credentials of the commonly used schema managed by REFEDs like e.g. eduPerson, SCHAC and voPerson.

      The REFEDS schema board is setting up a subcomittee to define the VC representations of these well known credentials so they may be used in an standardized and interoperable way.

      Speaker: Niels van Dijk (SURF)
    • 3:00 PM 3:30 PM
      Implement OpenID Federation into SimpleSAMLphp and Shibboleth IdP 30m
      Speakers: Henri Mikkonen, Marko Ivančić, Niels van Dijk (SURF)
    • 3:30 PM 4:00 PM
      eduGAIN PoC 30m

      The eduGAIN service activity will set up a POC in order to evaluate the new OpenID Federation (OIDfed) standard and wants to eventually create an official eduGAIN Technology Profile to extend the current service.

      The Trust and Identity Incubator has over the years build considerable experience with developing tooling, and implementing OpenID Fed in various products and languages, as well as evaluating e.g. REFEDs specifications in the context of OIDfed.

      This activity seeks to contribute to the eduGAIN PoC by:

      Sharing existing experience and providing a sparring partner to the eduGAIN PoC team
      Contribute to standards and policy development for eduGAIN and national federations (upon request by the eduGAIn PoC team)
      Developing or further enhancing software tools, including, but not limited to:
          Contribute to existing software development for the eduGAIN PoC
          Build/Productise a (scalable) resolver which can be deployed by fedops and eduGAIN
          Further improve visualisation and reporting tooling
          Further improve Go based OP/RP

      The incubator will work on these in close collaboration with the eduGAIN PoC team.

      Speakers: Davide Vaghetti (GARR), Diana Gudu (KIT), Gabriel Zachmann, Giuseppe De Marco, Niels van Dijk (SURF)