On the 5th-6th of April (Wednesday/Thursday), Orcro will be providing open source licensing training for GÉANT. This document provides an overview of the training content and schedule (including timings) for the two days.
Course Overview
Who should attend
This course has been designed for software developers and engineers who are contributing to open source projects and/or developing internal projects that use open source code. It is also recommended to leaders responsible for the development tasks in the GÉANT project.
Attendance of the previous course is helpful but not mandatory. This training will be an extension of some of the concepts explored during the previous training, especially focusing on determining licence compatibility in projects.
The recording and slides for the previous course can be viewed on eAcademy.
Training Outline
Open source software (OSS) is broadly used in almost all software development project in the GÉANT project, and so a good working knowledge of how open-source licences work, as well as understanding compliance and risks, are crucial to securing your code.
This course provides a practical dive into open source licensing and compliance practices. The course is led by compliance experts Andrew Katz and Alex Murphy from Orcro Limited.
Objective of the training
The objective of this course is to enable software developers to contribute effectively to projects by choosing the most suitable OSS licence (depending on the nature of the project) and verifying if there are any licence incompatibilities.
Learning objectives
By applying what you explore in this training, you will be able to:
Both days will start at 10:30 (CET). The Wednesday session will run for three hours, then a one hour lunch break, followed by a further one hour session. The Thursday session will run for three hours before the training is concluded. Breaks will be interspersed within the three-hour blocks as necessary to avoid ‘Zoom fatigue’.
The timings in the schedule below are guidelines as Q&As may overrun, or attendees may request extra breaks (for example).
Wednesday 5th April
10:30 |
Welcome, (re)introductions, training overview. |
10:45 |
Introductory poll & quiz |
11:00 |
Learning to apply open source licensing concepts for permissive, copyleft, or non-open source code |
11:45 |
Q&A |
12:00 |
Short Break |
12:15 |
Learning when components (under different licences) can be combined into a single application |
13:00 |
Licence combination quiz |
13:15 |
Q&A |
13:30 |
Lunch break |
14:30 |
Automated tools introductory poll |
14:45 |
Leveraging automated tools (Mend) to detect incompatibilities |
15:15 |
Automated tools Q&A and quiz |
15:30 |
Wrap-up and end of day 1 |
Thursday 6th April
10:30 |
Welcome back, review of day 1, overview of remaining training |
10:45 |
Day 1 review quiz |
11:00 |
Learning to select components for your project, based on applicable criteria |
11:30 |
Component selection quiz |
11:45 |
Short Break |
12:00 |
Learning to apply criteria involved in selecting an out-licence (manually + with Mend) |
12:30 |
Practical licence selection activity |
13:15 |
Q&A |
13:30 |
Wrap-up and end of day 2 |
Magdalena Rzaca
Dom Mayerl